Picture of Tan smiling

"Bring sunshine on a rainy day."

Tan Van Nguyen

I'm a full stack software engineer who has been described as driven, motivated, and detail oriented. I bring a boost of energy and excitement everywhere I go. I'm a fast learner and enjoy solving complex puzzles. As a former Air Force medic, I'm familiar with working in fast paced environments where attention to detail could mean saving a life.

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Fit Family

Fit Family

A full stack application developed over just two days. My goal was simple, create a fitness application for my friends and family.

Users would have the ability to hide or share their weight. A line chart displays your progress. Users can motivate others by posting to the community feed.

This application utilizes the following technologies: React, PostgreSQL, Node, and Express wrapped in Material UI.

Sponsorship Hub

Sponsorship Hub

A full stack application developed over two weeks for a client using React. This application stores data from events such as festivals and gives brands interested in sponsoring those events the ability to search for the perfect fit using advanced filters.

Sponsorship Hub reduces repetitive work for the researchers and connects brands with events quicker and easier.

Adventure Book

Adventure Book

Adventure Book is a full stack application that was created during a two week sprint. It allows users to read stories with branching options and multiple endings. Administrators can create stories from scratch.

Application was written in React.JS and utilizes Node, Express, and PostgreSQL.

Movie Database

Magnificent Movie Database

This full stack application was created over three days and utilized saga middleware to intercept dispatches before handing off to Redux. It simulates a movie database similar to IMDB.